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ANSI Art File  |  1992-12-07  |  7KB  |  640x2496
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OCR: This makefile is suitable for Unix-like systems with AMSI-capable compilers. If you have a non-AMSI compiler, makefile.unix is a better starting point. Read SETUP Instructions before saying "nake" !! The mane of your C compiler: CC- CC You may need to adjust these cc options: FLAGS. - 0 In particular: Add -DBSD if on a pure BSD system (see jinclude.h). Add -DMEM_STATS to enable gathering of memory wsage statistics. You may also want to add -DTWO_FILE_COMMANDLINE or -D switches for other symbols listed in jconfig.h, if you prefer not to change jconfig.h. Link-tine cc options! LDFLAGS .. To link any special libraries, add the necessary -1 connands here. In particular, on some versions of HP-UX (and probably other SysV-derived systems) there is a faster alternate malloc(3) library that you can use by adding "-Inalloc" to this line. DLIBS miscellaneous OS-dependent stuff linker N= $(CC) file deletion connand library (.a) file creation command AR. ar rc ARZ= ranlib second step in .a creation (use "touch" if not needed) source files (independently compilable files) SOURCES: jbsmooth.c jcarith.c jccolor.c jodefits.c jcexpand.c jchuff.c jenaim.c jcmaster.c joncu.c jepipe.c jesample.c jdarith.c jdcolor.c jadefits.c jdhuff.e janaim.c Hdmaster.c jancu.c jdpipe.c jdsample.c \ jerror.c jquanti.c jquantZ.c jfwddet.c jrewdet.c jutils.c jennyr.c jrajfif.c jrdgif.c Jrdppa.c jrdrie.c jrdtarga.c jurjfif.c jurgif.c jurppn.c jurrle.c jurtarga.c virtual source files (not present in distribution file, see SETUP) PERTSOURCES. JnenSUS .C systen-dependent implementations of virtual source files YSDEPFILES= jnenansi.c jeennane.e jnemnobs.e jnendos.c jnendos.h & jnendosa . asn files included by source files INCLUDESa jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jversion.h jnensys.h documentation, test, and support files OCS- README SETUP USAGE CHANGELOG cjpeg.1 4jpeg. 1 architecture codingrules MAKEFILES= makefile.ansi makefile.unix makefile.nanx makefile.sas \ nake jpeg.st makd jpeg.st makl.jpeg.st makefile.mc5 makefile.ncb \ makefile.bcc makefile,mms makefile.uns nakuws.opt OTHERFILES" amsiZknr.c ckconfig.c example.c TESTFILES= testorig. jpg testing.pon testing.gif testing. jpg ISTFILES- $(BOCS) $(MAKEFILES) $(SOURCES) $(SYSDEPFILES)" $(INCLUDES) S(OTHERFILES) $(TESTFILES) objectfiles connon to cjpey and d.jpeg COMOBJECTS. Jutils.o jerror.o jennyr.o jnensys .o compression objectfiles CLIBOBJECTS= jenaster.o jedefits.o jearith.o jecolor.o jcexpand.o jchuff.o joncu.o jepipe.o jcsample.o jfwddct.o jurjfif.o jrdgif.o jrdppn.o \ Jrdrle.o jrdtarga.o COBJECTS" jemain.o $(CLIBOBJECTS) $(COMOBJECTS) decompression objectfiles OLIDOBJECTS. Manaster.o jddefits.o jbsmooth.o Marith.o jicolor.o Mhuff.o jancu.o jdpipe.o jdsample.o jquant1.o jquant2.o jreudet.o jedjfif.o \ jurgif.o jurpon.o juerle.o jurtarga.o OBJECTS. jdmain.o $CDLIBOBJECTS) $(COMOBJECTS) These objectfiles are included in libjpeg.a [BOBJECTS= $(CLIBOBJECTS) $CDLIBOBJECTS) $(COMOBJECTS) ll: ejpeg djpey By default, libjpeg.a is not built unless you explicitly request it. You can add libjpeg.a to the lime above if you want it built by default. EJpeg: $(COBJECTS) $(LM) SILDFLAGS) -o c.jpeg $(COBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) A jpeg: $CDOBJECTS) $(LM) SILDFLAGS) -o d.jpeg $CDOBJECTS) $(LDLIBS) libjpeg.a is useful if you are including the JPEG software in a larger program: you'd include it in your link, rather than the individual nodules. ib jpeg.a: $(LIBOBJECTS) SCRM) libjpeg.a S(AR) libjpeg.a $(LIBOBJECTS) SOAR2) libjpeg.a Inensys .c: echo You must select a systen-dependent jnensys.c file. echo Please read the SETUP directions. exit 1 clean: $(RM) -. o c.jpeg djpeg libjpeg.a core testout." distribute: $(RM) jpeysrc. tars tar cuf jpegsrc. tar $(DISTFILES) compress -v jpegtre. tar test: cjpey djpey $(1) testout. ppm testout.gif testout. jpg ./djpey testorig. jpg >testout.ppn ./Ajpeg -gif testorig. jpg >testout.gif ./jpeg testing, ppn >testout. jpg cmp testing.pon testout.ppn cmp testing.gif testout.gif cmp testing. jpg testout. jpg bonooth.o : jasmooth.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h carith.o 1 jearith.e jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h ccolor.o defits.o jecolor.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jedefits.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jeexpand.o 1 jeexpand.c jinclude.h jconfig. h jpegdata.h chaff.o jchuff.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jonain.o jemain.c Jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jversion.h jonaster . cnca.0 jonaster.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jencu.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jcpipe.o : jepipe.c Jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jcsample.o jcsample.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h darith.o 1 Marith.e jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jacolor .o jacolor.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h JAdefits.o : jddefits.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jdhuff.o jdhuff.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h dnain_o Amain.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jversion.h jancu.o ! JAnaster.c Jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h Jancu.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h MApipe.o : jdpipe.e jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h JAsample.o : Jdsample.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h error.o quant1.o error.c Jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jquant2.0 jquanti.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h Tudd ct.0 JquantZ.c Jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.) cudet.0 Bruddet.c Jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h 5.0 Jreudet.e jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h tils.c Jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jnenngr.c Jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jnewsys .h Jrajfif.e jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jrdgif.o jrdgif.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h Jrdppn.c Jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jedrle.o ! jrdrle.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h rappe.o : Jedtarga.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h Jur JE Jur jfif.c Jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jury jurppm.0 jurgif.c Jinclude.h config.h jpegdata.h jurppn.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h terle.o targa.o : jurrle.c Jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h jurtarga.c jinclude.h jconfig.h jpegdata.h